Many of us find it hard to crack open a book in the midst of our busy day. In school, we operated as if a textbook would be tucked in our back pocket for immediate use when we were stumped. After college, you quickly realize that reading requires scarce resources such as time and energy. Is it still worth it? We say yes!
Several members of Big Sky Public Relations have found reading to be an avenue for both professional development and personal growth. We even have recommendations of our favorite titles to give you a running start.
1) Amanda’s Recommendation: How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie

As a university student studying public relations, my desk is strewn with textbooks and notes on a regular basis. To me, reading is a straight shot to cultural literacy, which improves every aspect of communication. The best part: it’s fun! Whether it’s fantasy, nonfiction, economics, or self-help, I truly do believe that we can read ourselves into better human beings.
2) Amy Y’s Recommendation: The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman

Perhaps you are more interested in the digital arts than communication. Let’s see what our esteemed graphic designer, Amy Yatsuk, has to say:
“I'm a firm believer that no matter the genre, you can glean information applicable to your career, whether it be in client dealings or more technical skills. Books have a way of opening up new perspectives and new worlds you wouldn't experience otherwise, thus helping you grow in knowledge as well as empathy.”
Amy grew up with a love for reading instilled by her teachers and uses it as a way to unplug from her day-to-day work. Her advice is to read what you want, sprinkle in material that will help you improve in your field and read with a goal of being well-rounded.
3) Amy A’s Recommendation: My Morning Routine – How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired by Benjamin Spall and Michael Xander

Our last word of advice and book recommendation comes from our Marketing and Project Manager, Amy Aiello. Reading has been a huge help to her during her career, prompting her to intentionally set aside time for it.
“I believe that taking time to continue learning about your trade is what changes it from a job to a career. When I began to read about public relations for pleasure, and not just for school, I knew I was in the right industry. However, this does require me to practice good time management. I will typically schedule time for myself to read, otherwise I find myself getting distracted by television or my other obligations. The advice I would give young professionals is to make the conscious decision to continue to better yourself in your industry by giving yourself the time to read about it.”