It's hard to imagine being where we're at today without the many incredible people and organizations who have encouraged, believed, and faced challenges with our team. Today, on Thankful Thursday, looking back, I'm amazed by the incredible people who have walked with us, given us a chance, and been a part of our success. The list is long and in my mind, highly esteemed. There's no way to recognize each in a single post but a few are especially prominent in my mind. To these, I extend my heartfelt thanks.
- To my brother, Brandon. You have been a patient and wise mentor, an expert I can ask any question of without judgment. Thank you for talking me off the ledge during the scary times and celebrating our wins. Here's to many more years of long talks and brainstorm sessions!
- To Jessica McLeish. You provided me a solid foundation in public relations and gave me subcontracting work while I was building a small business, making it possible for me to keep eating during the early years of Big Sky Public Relations. Most importantly, you introduced me to the idea that public relations can truly be used to better and strengthen our communities.
- To Kim Morisaki. My hero. You are fearless and fun, capable of tackling any challenge, whether it be finding millions of dollars for economic infrastructure or helping me sift through the challenges of building the right team. (Kim, I owe you a cocktail and some of those amazing bacon wrapped dates at 406 Grille.)
- To Lisa Jones, a PR savvy practitioner out of Whitefish, MT. You understand the meaning of the phrase, "The better each one of us does, the better we all do" - a phrase coined by the fabulous, Courtney McKee of Headframes Spirits. The first job we ever conducted in the construction sector was referred to us by you, and it opened the door to a line of work our team loves.
- To my friends and colleagues, Paul Neff of White Cliff Productions and Joni & Nathan Stoll of Learned Reality. Thank you for being a huge part of my local business tribe. Being in the trenches with you folks, and sharing the top floor of a great old historic building is the best. I can't imagine having better business neighbors or collaborators.
-To my team, wow, are there enough words? I think not. Katie, Sarah, Mati, and Laurel. Ladies, if you were a band and I'd be your biggest fan. When I think of how this team is shaping up - the talent, passion, and personality - I know this team is singularly positioned for success. Thank you for believing in the Big Sky Public Relations' vision to use every day to better the communities we serve, and for working tirelessly to make that vision a reality.
-To my husband, Nathan. You've done so many of the unglamorous, hard tasks, and you've handled them with poise and positivity. Though we miss having you in the office each day, seeing you chasing your dream is inspiring. Thank you for all you've put into Big Sky Public Relations and into supporting me every step of the way. I will forever be grateful to you for your partnership, your humor, and for your unfailing love.
- And of course, thank you, Mom. You've been with me from the beginning. From sacrificing to make college a reality to listening with interest when any other sane human being would have fallen asleep, you have shown me what it means to be selfless. And although I have a long way to go in that department, you've impacted me in a million positive ways and I couldn't be who I am today without you.
As is always the case when you start thinking intentionally about whom you're grateful for, my list is far longer than I can cover in one post. Hopefully, in time, I can give them all the credit they deserve. My list is comprised of a variety of folks, all with different backgrounds. However, when I start thinking about thankfulness, it reminds me of the things I love about these individuals and all that they offer to my life and community.
Gratitude is one of those few things that we cannot exercise in excess.
It's the medicine that can start healing the negativity and polarization facing our communities, drawing us together in appreciation.